
Lightning Network Plus (LN+) is a free web app that helps Bitcoin Lightning Network node operators cooperate: find and communicate with each other, create liquidity for their nodes, and to secure their setups. Check out the features the site has to offer.

Rich Node Profile

Create a node profile that has your Bitcoin Lightning Network node information, and other optional public information about you. We will automatically update your node information as soon as the information hits the gossip network.

Sign Up

Post Updates

Post updates to your node profile. Inform other node operators about developments regarding your node. Post tips or news you're excited about, and get to know other plebs.

Lightning sign in

Browse Nodes

Check out the database of Lightning Network operators. Check out their LN+ Node Rank. Open channels to them, follow their posts here or on Twitter.

Node Explorer

Find Stores

Check out the market of Lightning Network enabled services and products. Rate and comment the stores.

Lightning Market

Contact Operators

Send a direct message to lightning node operators privately and safely without exposing any private information.

Node Explorer

Find a Liquidity Swap

You can browse and filter available Bitcoin Lightning Network liquidity swaps that are open for application. Liquidity swaps come in different shapes and sizes. Find the one that's matching your need.


Create a Public Liquidity Swap

If you can't find what you're looking for, start a new liquidity swap. You can create one with special criteria that participants have to adhere to, such as minimum number of open channels or minimum total node capacity.

Create a Private Liquidity Swap

If you want to open a liquidity swap with only a group of friends, start a new private liquidity swap, which is not listed anywhere and requires a pin code to apply.

Filter Out Inapplicable Liquidity Swaps

Some liquidity swaps have application criteria like minimum channel count. By default you see the swaps you can apply to. As you grow your channels you will automatically start seeing more applicable liquidity swaps. If you want to see all swaps anyway just change the setting in your profile.

Get Channel Duplicate Notification

To help you avoid accidentally opening a channel to a node you're already connected to, we will automatically warn you about the situation, so you can find another liquidity swap to join.

Apply to a Liquidity Swap

If you found an applicable liquidity swap, you can apply to it. At this point you have to wait until all the required number of participants join the liquidity swap.

Find Watch Swaps

Find available Bitcoin Lightning Network watch swaps that are open for application. Watch swaps come in different types and sizes and you will only see the ones that fit your node.


Apply to Watch Swaps

If you found an applicable watch swap, you can apply to it. At this point you have to wait until the watch swap author reviews your node and then approves or rejects your application. Once approved you will receive the information about each other's watchtower service, so you can connect your client to the service.

Get Notifications

You will be notified in the app and in email (if notifications are allowed in your profile) when new participants about all events related to your liquidity and watch swaps.


You can communicate with liquidity and watch swap participants in comments. Every liquidity and watch swap participant receives a notification about such comments.

Get Detailed Instructions

Once you join a liquidity or watch swap, you will be provided detailed instructions on what to do at every step of the way, to make the process easy and fun.

Rate Participants

Rank your peers in both liquidity and watch swaps on how well they complied with the swap agreement.

Get Support

Visit our Support section to learn more about the Lightning Network, LN+, running a node profitably, and to get support. Post your own questions.



Visit the The Layers Academy of Bitcoin Finance to learn more about Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, LN+, and other related technologies.

Layers Academy


Become a Pro Member of LN+ to support the project and to get access to exclusive features and content.

Pro Membership

Test Your Channels

You can try out your new channel by donating to us.


Contact Us

If you have trouble with anything you can email us, or chat us up. We're ready and glad to help you.


Follow Us on Twitter

If you want to stay in touch and be informed about the latest Lightning Network news and LN+ developments follow us on Twitter. If you have your Twitter handle in your profile we will follow you back too.


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